Friday 2 October 2015

Mise-en-scene - Opening Scene of Jaws

  • Sharks P.O.V as it swims
  • We hear non-diegetic low, stringed music - associated with the shark
  • Camera tracks past kids around camp fire
  • Fire is source of light
  • Girl and boy on edge of group - outsiders
  • Medium close up shot of girl - fence poles behind her - suggests she is trapped
  • High angle shot of beach - boy and girl run off into darkness - vulnerable and weak
  • When running there are bars all around them - darkness - music fades away - can hear the sea
  • Longshot - calm - in moonlight - peaceful
  • Sunset - symbolises end of the girls life
  • Switches to close up shot instead of longshot to bring audience closer to the action
  • Music comes back on - sharks P.O.V
  • Cuts away and sharks not shown to keep suspense - music suggests something is going to happen
  • Music suddenly drops when she dies - cuts to boy and is peaceful and calm

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